Camera Sensor and Lens Dust Cleaning

If you are like me, you probably don’t clean your sensor very often. I always carry a microfiber cloth with me and clean my lens glass frequently, but I never get down to business and clean the sensor itself. You might need to though to prevent dust spots from appearing in your real estate photos.

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Real Estate Photography Tutorial – Shot List and Guide

Taking the shot is relatively easy, but for real estate photography there are some key tips to keep in mind that will allow you to deliver the best product possible to your Realtor clients. Before we look at exterior and interior photo tips, let’s come up with an appropriate shot list.

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Real Estate Photography Tutorial – Prep and Settings

Following some basic steps for every real estate photography shoot will go a long way in helping things run smoothly for both you and your clients. Properly preparing for your shoots and having an understanding of what settings you will be using on your camera will set you on the right foot toward success.

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Real Estate Photography Tutorial – File Management – Start to Finish

There are a lot of decisions that you need to make when starting out that will determine how easy your job is. File management and photo storage is a piece of the puzzle where you will either have it organized and don’t have any issues, or you’ll make it more difficult than it needs to be and time will be wasted. From choosing the right memory cards to storing and organizing the photos on your computer, every decision makes a difference.

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Real Estate Photography Pricing Guide and Tips

A benefit of running your own real estate photography business is being able to have control over how much money you make. Through setting your schedule and choosing your real estate photography pricing, you determine how much income you will bring in. But it’s not as easy as one might think, and there are mistakes that should be avoided when first pricing out your services.

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